- On 2016-02-09
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How to reinvent Paris
The little art seeker visited the interesting exhibition inside the pavillon de l’Arsenal around several projects realized by 74 different architectural and design firms to reinvent Paris in the years to come.
Amid the projects displayed the little art seeker has chosen to present you the most interesting to us.
The first one is called”1000″trees and is focused upon a gigantic park with 1000 trees that would be planted around the beltway and would constitute a vegetal link between Paris and the suburb.The beltway would become a craddle for biodiversity .The gigantic park would include some nursery schools,a recreational area,a street with a lot of restaurants which would link Paris to Neuilly.In the middle of the park a city- building will stand.The project corresponds to the desire of the Parisians to have more green spaces inside the city.
The second project that has attracted our attention is called”playground”and intends to make of the city a playground for all those who work,travel ,dream love and have fun as explains the agency 3XN, in charge of the project. As in the previous one, the role of nature is also very important in the final realization: a nature to breathe better and leave a big part to biodiversity.The originality of the whole thing is to gather offices and homes,a railway station and a market ,an hotel and a ballroom on the same spot.The philosophy of the project being to create social links and to allow different cultures and generations to meet each others and thus make of the city a crossroad for exchanges.
The following project is beautiful and organized around an interesting concept.It’s called the philantro-lab .The place chosen is a former mansion house ,located 15 rue de la bûcherie in the 5th district of Paris.The building was built in 1475 to shelter the faculty of medicine of Paris . Its total surface represents 1847 m2 but has no garden and no outbuildings.
The agency in charge of the project has great expectations around the place wishing to” transform it into the first incubator of philantropy, a bridge between patrons, associations and volunteers where culture, mutual help and sponsoring would be present everywhere.
The last project that we loved is called “Re supply Masséna”a district in the southern part of Paris.(DGT.Architects)
The main objective being to reuse the earth of Paris that will be produced for the future grand Paris(30 to 60 million tons estimated) and that will be added to the 32 million tons of wasted materials produced each year by the BTP.
The reuse of wasted materials will be helpful in the actual struggle against the waste of our renewable resources.
The reuse of the “fertile land”will be dedicated to the creation of a new concept”the earth to feed”by creating inside the former railway station of Masséna , a covered cooperative market,selling at accessible prices ,local products from the agricultural land of the Grand Paris.
The ideas defended in the project are very interesting ,especially since they will add to the covered market,associative meeting places ,a restaurant and upon the station’s roof ,a panoramic terrace amidst a greenhouse .
The market will provide the link between the upper part and lower part of the railway station site.
Paris in the years to come will change with a great place devoted to biodiversity and a new expectation: to make of the city a place of exchanges and gatherings with associative projects to create a better world to live in.A very interesting and beautiful exhibition that the “little art seeker”warmly recommends you!