The Lumière brothers in the grand Palais

In May started a very interesting exhibition in the grand Palais in Paris,devoted to the Lumière brothers who invented the cinematograph in France at  the end of the 19th century.


The exhibition takes you on a beautiful trip with all the different aspects that allowed you to visualize beautiful  scenery before these geniuses invented  a processus that would revolutionize the world of   images!!!


376lum-37176A small cinema room called the indian salon will allow you to see short movies from the domestic life of the two brothers.

images.2auguste-lumiere-photographie-par-son-frere-louis-vers-1888_5313207The exhibition is very didactic and will please the children and the adults !!!

If you make a stop in Paris in May go and see it !!!



monochromes realized by the Lumiere brothers

5446110.jpg-r_x_600-f_jpg-q_x-xxyxximages from the movie”l’arroseur arrosé”